拉尔夫·沃恩·威廉斯 (Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872-1958),英国作曲家。
拉尔夫·沃恩·威廉斯是属于英国的,就像小酒吧里掷飞镖和王宫卫队换班是属于英国的一样。1872年10月12日诞生于格罗墨斯特邬的下安普勒,而后成为闻名全世界的管风琴演奏者和作曲家,并特别致力于研究英国古乐与民谣,将其转化为新的英格兰风格,引导了英国音乐廿世纪的复兴。他的音乐有英国式的平易、幽默,精力充沛而不失文雅的格调。沃恩威廉斯写过几乎所有形式的音乐:九首交响曲钢琴、小提琴,甚至竖笛协奏曲、弥撒曲、歌剧等等。此外,在一些很短的曲子中,你千万不要错过为小提琴与乐团而写的浪漫曲 (The Lark Ascending) 及绿袖子幻想曲 (Fantasia on "Greensleeves")。
沃恩威廉斯 绿袖子幻想曲
Hugh the Drover或Love in the Stocks(1910-20)
Sir John in Love(约翰爵士谈恋爱1924-28),即其创作之绿袖子主题幻想曲的来源。
The Poisoned Kiss(1927-29,修订版为1936-37及1956-57)
Riders to the Sea(海上骑士、骑马入海的人,1925-32),由约翰·米灵顿·辛奇(John Millington Synge)之剧本改篇。
The Pilgrim's Progress(天路历程,1909-51),基于约翰·本仁之托寓诗
Old King Cole(大王科尔,1923)
Job, a masque for dancing(假面舞剧《约伯》,1930)
《海洋交响曲》A Sea Symphony(1903-1909)
《伦敦交响曲》A London Symphony(1913)
《田园交响曲》A Pastoral Symphony(1921)
《南极交响曲》Sinfonia Antartica(1949-52)(基于Scott of the Antarctic这套1948年的电影)
《在郊野的沼泽上》In the Fen Country(1904)
《第1诺福克幻想曲》Norfolk Rhapsody No. 1(1906,1914修订)
《黄蜂》The Wasps,阿里斯托芬式组曲(1909)
《泰利斯主题幻想曲》Fantasia on a Theme of Thomas Tallis(1910,1913及1919修订)
《绿袖子幻想曲》Fantasia on "Greensleeves"(1934)
《迪夫与拉沙罗的五个变奏曲》Five Variants of Dives and Lazarus(1939)
《大协奏曲》Concerto Grosso(1950)
《云雀高飞》The Lark Ascending,为小提琴和管弦乐所作(1914)
《学院协奏曲》Concerto Accademico,为小提琴和管弦乐所作(1924-25)
《田野之花》Flos Campi(中提琴、无词合唱团、小型乐队)(1925)
《中提琴及小型管弦乐套曲》Suite for Viola and Small Orchestra(1936-38)
为钢琴、合唱团和交响乐团所写的《为诗篇104篇而写的幻想曲(类近变奏曲)》Fantasia (quasi variazione) on the Old 104th Psalm Tune(1949)
为口琴及乐队所写的《降D大调浪漫曲》Romance in D flat for harmonica and orchestra(1951)(为拉利阿德勒Larry Adler所作)
Toward the Unknown Region, song for chorus and orchestra, setting of Walt Whitman (1906)
Five Mystical Songs for baritone, chorus and orchestra, settings of George Herbert (1911)
Fantasia on Christmas Carols for baritone, chorus, and orchestra (1912; arranged also for reduced orchestra of organ, strings, percussion)
Mass in G小调 for unaccompanied choir (1922)
Sancta Civitas (The Holy City) oratorio, text mainly from the Book of Revelation (1923-25)
Te Deum in G (1928)
Benedicite for soprano, chorus, and orchestra (1929)
In Windsor Forest, adapted from the opera Sir John in Love (1929)
Three Choral Hymns (1929)
Magnificat for contralto, women's chorus, and orchestra (1932)
Five Tudor Portraits for contralto, baritone, chorus, and orchestra (1935)
Dona nobis pacem,沃特·卫特曼词及其他(1936)
Festival Te Deum for chorus and orchestra or organ (1937)
Serenade to Music for sixteen solo voices and orchestra, a setting of Shakespeare (1938)
A Song for Thanksgiving (原作 Thanksgiving for Victory) for narrator, soprano solo, children's chorus, mixed chorus, and orchestra (1944)
An Oxford Elegy for narrator, mixed chorus and small orchestra (1949)
Three Shakespeare Songs ,为SATB没有伴奏的,用作英联邦国家音乐竞赛 (The British Federation of Music Festivals National Competitive Festival ,1951)
Hodie, a Christmas oratorio (1954)
Folk songs of the Four Seasons for unaccompanied SSA chorus.
Epithalamion for baritone solo, chorus, flute, piano, and strings (1957)
Numerous hymns, some of which were first published in the English Hymnal of 1906, of which Vaughan Williams was the musical editor, collaborating with Percy Dearmer.
"Linden Lea",歌(1901)
The House of Life (1904)
Songs of Travel (1904)
"The Sky Above The Roof" (1908)
On Wenlock Edge, song cycle for tenor, piano and string quartet (1909)
Along the Field, for tenor and violin
Three Poems by Walt Whitman for baritone and piano (1920)
Four Poems by Fredegond Shove: for baritone and piano (1922)
Four Hymns for Tenor, Viola and Strings (1914)
Merciless Beauty for tenor, two violins, and cello
Four Last Songs (Vaughan Williams)|Four Last Songs to poems of Ursula Vaughan Williams
Ten William Blake|Blake songs, song cycle for high voice and oboe (1957)
《五重奏幻想曲》Phantasy Quintet(2小提琴、中提琴及2大提琴)(1912)
《六首英国民歌练习曲》Six Studies in English Folk-Song(大提琴及钢琴)(1926)
《三首以威尔士曲调而写成的前奏曲》Three Preludes on Welsh Hymn Tunes(管风琴)(1956)
Three Preludes on Welsh Hymntunes (Bryn Calfaria, Rhosymedre, Hyfrydol) (1920)
A Wedding Tune for Ann (1943)
Two Organ Preludes (The White Rock, St. David's Day) (1956)
The Old Hundredth Psalm-Tune (?)
49th Parallel, 1940, his first, talked into it by Muir Mathieson to assuage his guilt at being able to do nothing for the war-effort
Coastal Command (film)|Coastal Command, 1942[3]
BBC接纳了The Pilgrim's Progress, 1942
The People's Land, 1943
The Story of a Flemish Farm, 1943
Stricken Peninsula, 1945
The Loves of Joanna Godden, 1946
Scott of the Antarctic (1948 film)|Scott of the Antarctic, 1948, partially reused for his Symphony No. 7 Sinfonia Antartica
《英国民歌组曲》"English Folk Song Suite"(1923)
Toccata Marziale for military band (1924)
Flourish for Wind Band (1939)
Sea Songs
Overture: Henry V for brass band
Variations for brass band (1957)